أحدث الأخبار || صدر حديثاً رحلة العجائب |||| صدر حديثاً رموز مجموعة قصصية |||| صدر حديثاً من قلب الذرة إلى ذراع المجرة |||| أهلا بكم في موقعنا بحلته الجديدة ||


The world-renowned Rudolf Clauzius in Switzerland faces a sudden attack by Critus with the astonishing Khronos sword. Thenk, he launches another assault on the esteemed scientist William Thompson and successfully causes a profound alteration in the world's history. The outcome will involve the revival of his family, but it requires additional work concerning the reunion of his father Johnson with his mother Tatiana to recreate the very family he long for.