أحدث الأخبار || صدر حديثاً رحلة العجائب |||| صدر حديثاً رموز مجموعة قصصية |||| صدر حديثاً من قلب الذرة إلى ذراع المجرة |||| أهلا بكم في موقعنا بحلته الجديدة ||


The scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss, the discoverer of the law of the magnetic field, predicts the existence of magnetic monopoles. However, he is taken aback by a massive attack from Critus, who has assembled a team of incredibly powerful ancient historical heroes. Meanwhile, the Time Guardians prepare for their final confrontation with Logilan, who has used the power of the Magnetar's density and crafted small yet immensely powerful and destructive bullets.